Keyless Entry System Types

You have likely heard of or even used a keyless entry lock of some sort. Keyless entry locks are becoming increasingly more and more popular. In the last several years, interest in keyless entry locks has increased substantially. Most of us remember a time when locking our doors at night was not necessary. Now, we live in a time where high-security must be maintained 24-hours a day.

Keyless entry locks have helped give homeowners the peace of mind they deserve. Busy schedules and rushing from one activity to the next can make it easy to neglect our home security, forget our keys, or find ourselves in situations that could have easily been prevented with better security. With keyless entry locks, you can leave and enter your home with ease without compromising on your security or home safety.

Electronic Deadbolts

The most popular keyless entry lock available is known as an electronic deadbolt. These electronic locks are similar to traditional deadbolt locks, except they use a keypad or number combination as the lock instead of a key. Most keyless entry locks that you will see will use a number code of some sort.

Electronic deadbolts are an easy and efficient way for homeowners to upgrade their home security without installing a lot of heavy hardware or expensive devices. Electronic deadbolts are similar in size and shape to a regular deadbolt and can usually fit inside of a deadbolt space on one’s door.

Electronic deadbolts are sleek, well-built, and nearly impossible to tamper with. When you install these specialized locks for yourself, you can count on increasing your day-to-day convenience and home security at the same time. Coming to and from your home will ultimately be easier with electronic deadbolts. Plus, the chances of someone breaking into your home will be slim to none.

Smart Locks

Any kind of electronic lock or keyless entry lock model that you purchase that can connect to an external device is known as a smart lock. Electronic deadbolts do not always come with external connectivity benefits, but some might. If you want to reap the same benefits that come with an electronic deadbolt, but would like more control of your home security while on-the-go, then you will want to make sure to purchase smart locks. Smart locks may use a number combination in order to allow access or one’s actual smartphone will act as the ‘key’ once in proximity to the door lock.

With smart locks, you can view an activity involving your locks through a mobile phone or tablet application. This is a great feature for families that have lots of members in their household. As with electronic deadbolt and other keyless entry locks, you can personalize access codes for each of your family members. Then, you can clearly see when a certain individual accessed the locks and entered your home. Parents that have children that arrive home before them at the end of the day, for example, can take advantage of this feature and even be alerted through a phone notification when a door has been accessed.

Standalone Keyless Entry Locks

While most keyless entry locks come with lots of additional features, add-ons, and external connection options, you do not have to go all out in order to take advantage of keyless entry locks. In fact, if you are concerned about your budget, you can consider purchasing a standalone keyless entry lock model.

Standalone locks work just like electronic deadbolts and other keyless entry locks, except they are much simpler. While these types of locks will still require professional installation and set-up, they work as their name implies and are simply a stand-alone lock that is not connected to any other devices. Some standalone locks will come with both a keypad and a keyhole. This allows homeowners to decide whether or not to use a key or the keypad in order to enter.

Depending on your needs, purchasing a standalone keyless entry lock for your home may be the way to go. If you are not sure what type of model you should pick or which additional features you might benefit from having, make sure to call a local locksmith or security expert in your area. A locksmith can take a look at your property, determine which locks will serve your home security needs best, and install keyless entry locks for you that you and your family can start using right away. Consider installing a standalone electronic lock if you are worried about your budget or do not need all the extra features that come with smart locks.

Why You Need Keyless Entry Locks

Keyless entry locks provide a variety of benefits that homeowners can take advantage of as soon as once have keyless entry locks installed. These locks require professional installation, but they can be set up and used in the same day. This is great news for homeowners that want to secure their properties right away without having to wait overnight or for a long period of time in order to effectively lock up their homes with new, electronic locks. Professional locksmiths typically offer flexible or 24-hour services. Call a local locksmith in your area when you are ready to upgrade your home security with keyless entry locks!

Source: Keyless Entry System Types

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Monday through Sunday, all day
Dispatch Address: 18201 Harlem Ave, Tinley Park, IL 60477

Phone: (708) 433-4816


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